Index: Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt
Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt was born in Wurzen in 1932 - 2024. From 1947 to 1950 she did an apprenticeship as industrial clerk. In 1950 she moved to Berlin and studied at the workers’- and farmers’ faculty in 1951, later she studied philosophy for a year. In 1954 she got to know Robert Rehfeldt, who she married one year later. She found a job in the department for exhibitions of the Academy of Arts and did drawings in her spare time. In the beginning of the 1970s she started to develop her typical type writer graphics (Typewritings) and participated in the Mail Art projects of her husband. She became member of the Association of Fine Artists of the GDR in 1978.
Letzte Mail Art Aktion aus der DDR (1990)
Literature (selection)
Gespräch. In: “Mail Art Osteuropa – im internationalen Netzwerk”, Staatliches Museum Schwerin 1996 (Katalog), S. 125 – 145 (de, en).
Talkrunde: „Lebt die Mail Art heute noch?“ In : “Mail Art Osteuropa – im internationalen Netzwerk”, Staatliches Museum Schwerin 1997 (Kongressdokumentation), S. 79 – 99 (de, en).
Anne Thurmann-Jajes: Robert Rehfeldt and Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt (en)
Mail Artists Index: