Index: Michael Groschopp
Michael Grohschopp was born in Schönebeck/Elbe in 1956. Initially he did an mechanic craftsman apprenticeship. From 1978 to 1979 he studied at the pedagogic highschool in Magdeburg until he had been exmatriculated due to political reasons.
Afterwards he worked in different professions. He had been doing Mail Art from 1980 on. From 1983 to 1985 he voluntarily lead the Inselgalerie in Magdeburg together with Helmut Block, where they showed, besides others, works by Guillermo Deisler. From 1986 on he worked as freelance printer. He became member of the VBK (Fine Artists Association). After 1990 he taught at the advanced technical college and the board of trade in Magdeburg.
Today he lives and works in France.
Displaying all 4 posts by the networker in Lomholt Mail Art Archive