Index: Leonhard Frank Duch
Leonhard Frank Duch was born in Berlin in 1940. In 1951 his family emigrated to Sao Paulo in Brazil. In 1957 he attended an art school. From 1970 to 1974 he studied journalism at Universidade catolica de pernambuco in Recife. He continued painting and won first prices of the Annual Art Salons in Brazil in 1984 and 1987. He worked with 8mm films and performances as well. He had been active in the Mail Art scene from 1975 to 1994. Using Mail Art as a way of protesting against the military regime, that lasted until 1989, was of special importance to him. In 1994 Duch moved back to Berlin.
1979 Post Office, Commonpress 10 (together with Paulo Bruscky)
1979 Hole art
Literature (selection)
Börner, Gerd: “Um grande abraco”, in: Winnes, Friedrich/Wohlrab, Lutz (Hg.): Mail Art Szene DDR 1975 – 1990, S. 117.
Mail Artists Index: