Index: Joseph Wolfgang Huber
Joseph Wolfgang Huber was born June 26, 1951 in Halle/Saale. In 1959 he and his mother moved to Berlin. First he did an apprenticeship as a offset printer, then he worked in various jobs. From 1971 to 1980 he attented Robert Rehfeldt‘s drawing circle, later he lead the circle at Studio Bildende Kunst Lichtenberg, where he got to know Karla Sachse, they then were together from 1977 on. In 1976 he established first Mail Art contacts and did exhibtions intensely. From 1979 on he published his own critical and satirical postcards and posters. From 1981 on he was “allowed” to do several professional artistic jobs, but it was not until 1986 that he as caricaturist became a member of the Association of Fine Artists in the GDR. After the Fall of the Wall he founded “edition Karte’ll” and published his own postcards as well as some of other artists with whome he was friends. After the great exhibition “Mail Art – Osteuropa im internationalen Netzwerk” (M.A. – Eastern Europe in the international network) in 1996, he sold his Mail Art archive to the State Museum in Schwerin. Still he kept contact with many mail partners, he wrote four to five letters per day and showed his art in “small format” in various exhibitions. On August 5, 2002 he took his own life.
Schmuggelgut oder Kassiber? (de):
“Archivieren als politischer Akt”, taz 1./2. März 2008 (de): (en)
Retro-Editionen seiner Postkarten: