Lomholt Mail Art Archive

Medium: Printed matter

The Umbrella Show 1979-08-00

Judith Hoffberg, USA

Mail Art Network
Glendale, CA, USA
Printed matter
28 x 21.5
Lomholt Project Participants: Al Blaster, George Brett, Constant Art-Changing System, Michel Corfou, Cerebrite, Robin Crozier, Betty Danon, David Drummond-Milne, Leonhard Frank Duch, György Galantai, Johan van Geluwe, Claudio Goulart, Klaus Groh, Horst Hahn, Scott Helmes, Davi Det Hompson, Ko de Jonge, Pat Larter, Dick Larter, Tommy Mew, Mogens Otto Nielsen, Pawel Petasz, Nora Prunty, LeClair, Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt, Tomasz Schulz, Michael Scott, Julie Siegel, Soft Art Press, Spudz, Rino Tacchella, Mel Tearle, Marx Vigo, Michael Wilding, David Zack
judith hoffberg, mail art, international umbrella mail art exhibition, barbara aubin, peter bailey, anna banana, dan barber, vittore baroni, peter below, barton benes, ashley bennett, john m bennett, barry berg, bile magazine, phyllis bilick, vito boggeri, jane bort, dan boyd, nancy breslow, george brett, francis brown, paulo bruscky, janet bubar, jim bay, carl camu, monty cantsin, ulises carrion, paul carter, guglielmo achille cavellini, carl chew, lucy childs, buster cleveland, norman b colp, marie combs, m j conaughy, augusto concato, mark w conklin, dario corbeira, michel corfou, mona crowe, robin crozier, gregor curten, albrecht d, bill gaglione, cynthia d’este dahlke, ko de jonge, dennis, dino, irene dogmatic, bill doherty, roger c dorset, jerry dreva, david drummond-milne, leonhard frank duch, nino tommaso durante, steve durland, barbara jean emerson, james evans, john evans, frank ferguson, antonio ferro, toma fichter, bernard k fischer, pat fish, sue fishbein, leland fletcher, jessica ford, paul forte, nancy frank, peter frank, bilge freidlaender, john furnival, siedrag gardels, r gasowski, michael gibbs, robert gingras, richard graham, david greenberger, klaus groh, marty gunsaullus, györgy galantai, claudio goulart, vida hackman, al hansen, scott helmes, e f higgins, eric hill, j hoare, paula hocks, charlie holmes, davi det hompson, bob hord, kevin huotari, miyo ida, image zone east, leaventworth jackson, christine jahn, ray johnson, mark d johnson, eleanor kent, edith kodmur, heather kozak, eve laramee, gary laskin, susan laufer, michael lawrence, susan lecky, c l lewis, elizabeth lide, jim linehan, unhandeijara lisboa, roberta loach, lomholt formular press, r magnus, edson almeida marconi, holly adams matthews, cathrine mehrl, the mental traveller, bruce metro, tommy mew, don miller, gerry miller, michael mollett, rick nahmias, maurizio nannucci, s l nemett, new agency, janet newell, paul newman, giulia niccolai, john alan nyberg, the olde oak trio, richard olson, orworks, j r ostrowski, martha padawer, barbara pascal, michele perfetti, don peterson, ms pitts pie, sheila pinkel, jaume pinya, stella popowski, william prankard, pawel petasz, rafel pocovi, laura raboff, aviva rahmani, boyd rice, lena rivkin, robot vegetable, bryan rogers, ivy sky rutzky, j l sabater, harry saffren, salt lick press, horacio sapere, marie sarapata, robert saunders, ruedi schill, susan schwalb, michael scott, jetsuo sekimoto, myrna shiras, cheryl simone, piero simoni, claudia smith, soft art press, al souza, diana spears, lon spiegelman, carol stetser, payson stevens, guy schraenen, rino tachella, kris tauber, teabo, clay thornton, endre tót, mel tearle, jeffrey vallance, johan van geluwe, franco verdi, hetty huisman, alan vandenburgh, ruth weisberg, the western dakota junk co, jonathan williams, eric wise, rita yokoi, horacio zabala, joey zanotti, ziorjen LOMHOLT PROJECT PARTICIPANTS al blaster, george brett, constant art-changing system, michel corfou, crebrite, robin crozier, betty danon, david drummond-milne, leonhard frank duch, györgy galantai, johan van geluwe, claudio goulart, klaus groh, horst hahn, scott helmes, davi det hompson, ko de jonge, pat larter, dick larter, tommy mew, mogens otto nielsen, pawel petasz, nora prunty, leclair, ruth wolf-rehfeldt, tomasz schulz, michael scott, julie siegel, soft art press, spudz, rino tacchella, mel tearle, ge marx vigo, michael wilding, david zack
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